๐Ÿ“ฆ Response utilities

This is a collection of helpers to make responding to requests easier. The core idea is to reduce errors, and make your code easier to read by moving a lot of the repeated code into its own package.

Before - โŒ Messy, hard to change if theres an issue.
return new Response(
JSON.stringify({ 'hello': 'world' }),
{ headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } },
After - ๐Ÿฆ„ Much cleaner.
return response.json({ 'hello': 'world!' })


response.static(request: Request, options: Object)

Returns your static assets to the Worker while adding asset to Cloudflare's cache. You must specify baseUrl as the root url you want all of the asset requests to be sent too. This can be any asset serving url such as S3 or DigitalOcean: Spaces.


baseUrl: String The base URL of the resource you want to fetch. For example: 'https://example.com'. Make sure you allow public reads from this bucket otherwise the Worker wont be able to fetch the resource.

ttl: Integer The time in seconds for how long you wish to keep this asset cached on Cloudflare's servers. Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes).

routePrefix: String If you are running this behind a route, you might want to use this to remove the route's prefix. For example, if you had this running behind /cdn you might want to remove /cdn from the asset path otherwise it might not find the asset you want. This will remove the string you pass from the Request path.

return response.static(request, { baseUrl: 'https://example.com', ttl: 1600, routePrefix: '/cdn' })


response.json(body: StringOrObject, options: OptionsObject)

Returns a response object ready to be returned to the client with correct headers set. Accepts either a plain JS object or an already serialized JSON string. If the body is anything other than an Object, easy-utils will just send that as the response and will not convert it for you.

return response.json({ 'hello': 'world' })


response.html(body: String, options: OptionsObject)

Turns the body param into a valid HTML response. Does not sanitize HTML and will not validate for structure.

return response.html('<p>hello, world!</p>')



Returns null but with CORS headers set as if it were an OPTIONS request. You might be interested in this snippet for handling CORS requests:

addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
if (event.request.method == 'OPTIONS') {
return event.respondWith(response.cors())
return event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request));


An object describing what extras to modify the response with. Almost all of the response functions accept this as the second argument except where stated.

headers, default: {}

An object for setting the response headers. Adding headers this way will overwrite any existing headers that easy-utils sets.

status, default: 200

The status of the response. Defaults to 200, status message will be ignored by Cloudflare's CDN but we support setting it for other environments.

autoCors, default: true

Adds standard CORS headers to the response so you don't have to deal with CORS errors. To set the default values, set the values on the response module you imported:

Set origin globally
import { response } from 'cfw-easy-utils'
response.accessControl.allowOrigin = 'https://example.com'
Make easy-utils 'Origin-Aware'
import { response } from 'cfw-easy-utils'
// setting .request means easy-utils will try to use the
// origin of the inbound request for its CORS data.
response.request = request
return response.json()
cookies, default: null

If present, must be an instance of easy-utils's CookieJar. Please read documentation on CookieJar for more information.

stopwatch, default: null

If present, must be an instance of easy-utils's Stopwatch. Please read documentation on Stopwatch for more information.

๐Ÿ’Ž Header utilities


response.setHeaders(response: Response, name: String, value: String)

Returns a new Response object with the headers set. Due to how JS handles responses, its safer to create a new Response object instead of fail to modify an immutable Response.


response.headersToObject(headers: Headers)

Takes an Headers object and turns it into a plain JS object. Repeated headers

var headers = response.headersToObject(request.headers)